Version 2.4 of the Validator Toolkit for ASP.NET MVC released

I’ve released a new version (2.4) of the Validator Toolkit for ASP.NET MVC 1.0, that is fixing an issue regarding format changes in the jQuery validation plugin of the minlength, maxlength and rangelength validators.

Version 2.3 of the Validator Toolkit for ASP.NET MVC released

I’ve released a new version (2.3) of the Validator Toolkit for ASP.NET MVC 1.0, that is fixing an issue regarding format changes in the jQuery validation plugin of the minlength, maxlength and rangelength validators.

Validator Toolkit for ASP.NET MVC

Yesterday I started this new project on CodePlex called Validator Toolkit for ASP.NET MVC. The Validator Toolkit provides a set of validators for the new ASP.NET MVC framework to validate HTML forms on the client and server-side using validation sets. By defining a validation set, e.g. a LoginValidationSet class, the toolkit will generate code, in conjunction with the JavaScript library jQuery, to validate on the client-side and will use the same set of rules to validate on the server-side.

There is also an article on